YouthLink’s Drop-In Presidential Election

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During this election season, YouthLink’s staff has been working to connect young people with their rights as citizens to vote. Organizations like the League of Women Voters come to the Drop-In Center to register young people to vote and, as a way to get young people to engage even further in the process, YouthLink held its own “presidential” election.

Candidates were given one week to prepare either a poster or spoken presentation on the issues—as well as what they would like to see happen at YouthLink and in the City of Minneapolis. The person elected won lunch with the Director of Operations, where they will have a chance to share their opinions and voice their concerns about how to make the YouthLink community stronger.

On Thursday, November 3rd, young people set up campaign booths in the Drop-In Center and each of them did their best to convince others that they should be the first Drop-In President. Six candidates offered a variety of platforms and ideas to make YouthLink a better place, from healthier food options to creating a Youth Advisory Board that would work with staff on issues of concern. Voters had two hours to listen to candidates and cast their ballots.

One candidate noted the importance of the election, saying, “Being able to speak for the YouthLink clients is a way to voice everyone’s concerns to the higher ups.”

Memphis*, the winner of the election, stated his hopes for his presidency: “I want to bring everyone together because this is a community, almost a family, so I want to bring us together to motivate each other.”


*Names have been changed

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